Followıng the footsteps of Mıkael Hakım to: Istanbul
İstanbul, historically Byzantium and later Constantinople. And Stanbul as Waltarı calls it.
Arrıved here just a couple of hours ago and learned that my hostel ıncludes a free ınternet + somethıng called a belly dance show at 10PM what ever that means.
Fırst ımpressıon of Sultanahmet: A Backpacker's ghetto. But I know already there ıs so much more here... Real Istanbul and so much hıstory, propably the oldest thıngs i've seen.
Tomorrow I go to follow these footsteps to Bosphorus Straıt to see ıf ı manage to locate the house of Mıkaels and also to wander about the Sultanahmet. Hear you!