"ihållande resfeber. the world is a friendly place."

Ilmainen www-laskuri

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Here at Aireys Inlet Caravan Park they happen to have a WiFi included so time for a short posting.

Spent 5 days in Melbourne in the end. Stayed at one Bosco family, who has 2 kids (2 years old Erik and 5 years old Mikaela). This was a great place to be especially for Vilja, who at last got to play around with kids! They did really play along very well, and I guess, both families got a lot of good memories for time spent together. It seems, despite all the great places and sight seeings we have had, always the people we have met are the first thing that comes to mind when writing something. But Melbourne itself is great. Artistic, a bit hippy even?! Kinda Berlin of Australia I think.

Now we have hit a road. 3rd night now in a van, that I drive (Iita also has a permission), changing gears by my left hand, turning signals with my right hand. Driving on a left side of the road. Some shortcuts so far, but skills are developing and actually it feels already comfortable driving here.
Sleeping in a van feels like sleeping in a tent. Very good and deep sleep for all of us, Vilja's sleeping rhythm is like a clock: Falls asleep 9.00PM, wakes up at 7:00AM (just like in Finland). Napping 2:00PM -> 3:00PM.

We went to a Koala Sanctuary (Hospital). And got to see one Koala very close! A SPECIAL MOMENT! Also saw my first kangaroos (after this got to see kangaroos even in wild so now my faith is back).

Good night!