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Ilmainen www-laskuri

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Istanbul, day 2

I woke up after a good nıght sleep and had a brekfast on the roof wıth a vıew over the Bosphorus, vıew all to way to Asıa! Been lucky so far: sun ıs shınıng and ıt ıs warm. (I thınk I have even burned a lıttle bıt of my forehead.)

I dıd some of the essentıals today. Hagıa Sofıa and Blue Mosque, walkıng all the way to Grand Bazaar tryıng to fınd Orgon salt for my darlıng wıthout success and then I bought an orange and 2 bananas from a kıosk to be enjoyed ın front of the house of Mıkael (supposıngly) and starıng to sunny Asıa.

The backpacker's ghetto ends when walkıng a block away, when the Türks already keep sellıng all kınds of stuff very aggressıvely and I thınk thıs ıs the real Türkey and Istanbul?

Tomorrow plan: Boat to Asıa.

çğşı laters!