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Ilmainen www-laskuri

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fishers, INDIANA, greater Indianapolis

Greetings from America, this is the way to send greetings to the parents that we made it all the way up to America, as my telephone doesn't work here.

We reached Bethany's parent's place after 30 hours of traveling as follows:

11th Dec.

Woke up (didn't actually sleep), did the last packings and left to Forssa bus station at 2.15 AM. This is when it was revealed to Virve that Iita comes along as well.

The bus leaves from the Forssa bus station. We get discount because we are 3 and that means we are already a group. We paid total 50 euros instead of 60.

5.00 AM
We reach Helsinki-Vantaa and go directly to Check In.

6.45 AM
Plane leaves to Munchen

9.00 AM
We are in Munchen, killing time at the airport

2.40 PM
We start boarding to the plane that goes to Chicago

6.30 PM (Chicago time)
We land to Chicago and go smoothly through the security control. Bethany is waiting for us with her father.

7.00 PM
Bethany's father Douglas buys us bottle of water from McDonald's as they think our first drink in USA must be from the McDonald's.

8.00 PM
We pick up Bethany's Mia-dog from her Grandmother near Chicago, and there we have pizza for evening snack. We are going to return to her place for the christmas.

0.30 AM
We are finally in Fishers, after 3 hours drive from Chicago.

1.40 AM
After shower we get to sleep after some 30 hours of traveling.

10.00 AM
We woke up and it is already 5.PM in Finland! Very good way to get away from the jetlag! It feels like it is morning instead of afternoon now.

-keijo and virve and iita from amerika!